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Main class and instance structures.


struct  _Array
 Header for an array instance. More...

struct  _Class
 Definition of a Class object. More...

struct  _Instance
 Header for each instance of a class. More...

struct  _String
 Header for a constant string. More...

struct  _StringBuffer
 String buffer main class. More...

struct  _StringBufferData
 StringBuffers are implemented in a similar way to indirect pointers. More...

struct  TableEntry
 A Classes field table and method table consists of table entries. More...


typedef _Class Class
 A Class header.

typedef _Instance Instance
 Header for each instance of a class. More...

typedef _Array Array
 Header for an array instance. More...

typedef _String String
 Header for a constant string. More...

typedef _StringBufferData StringBufferData
 StringBuffers are implemented in a similar way to indirect pointers. More...

typedef _StringBuffer StringBuffer
 String buffer main class.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _Array Array

Header for an array instance.

The array data follows this immediatly.

typedef struct _Instance Instance

Header for each instance of a class.

Any C defined instance structure should have this as the first entry.

typedef struct _String String

Header for a constant string.

Note that according to Java strings are final and can't be modified. Jaune strings always have a null terminator for easy interface with C functions.

typedef struct _StringBufferData StringBufferData

StringBuffers are implemented in a similar way to indirect pointers.

The data can grow, but we can't afford to shift the object about in memory, so the actual data is stored in a seperatly allocated block. To operate correctly with the garbase collector the data is also an instance.

Generated on Sat May 11 15:15:42 2002 for JauneRuntimeclib by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002